

You’ve written your romance book!

Now what?


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The writers I’ve met in Author Ever After are my creative champions. I didn’t have momentum with my work until I joined this group. It was more like a lonely slog. Since joining this group my output has catapulted.”  

~ Ellie Jennings, published community member

Get ready to experience
the butterflies of earning
your first royalties

Indie publishing is not hard, but it is complicated. There are so many decisions to make—from being in KU or going wide, to launch strategies, to reader engagement, to marketing and advertising, and more. It’s no wonder so many writers never hit “publish.”

Author Ever After was created to support romance writers in their journey to becoming published authors. It’s a place where you’ll find writers like you, who love and respect the romance genre and can handle conversations about sex scenes along with questions about the mechanics of turning a manuscript into a book and earning your first royalties.

Author Ever After is the only place we know of that offers done-with-you mentorship at a price that’s comparable to attending a weekend conference, so you can learn and implement all the skills you need to confidently publish your future books on your own. (Although we’re kind of like Hotel California … many members stay after they’ve published their first books because they love the community and still get value participating).

collage of 7 happy women waving in a purple heart background

“I’ve really gotten a lot out of the community! If not for you, Elements & Flame would still just be a file on my computer. I’m so glad I found you!”  

~ Jillian Beane, published community member

Let me hook you up …

… with your first readers!


I’m Danika Bloom. Here’s some of the experience I draw on to support pre-published romance authors in the Author Ever After membership community and in one-to-one mentorship support.


  • USA Today bestselling romance author
  • Award-winning adult educator
  • Successful non-profit community-builder
  • Two-term Romance Writers of America (RWA) Vice President, 10 year member
headshot Danika Bloom romance author

The best place to learn how to indie publish as you launch your romance career

I find my deepest joy figuring out hard things and helping my friends achieve their goals. I created Author Ever After to be the definitive place for romance writers to learn the skills needed to become earning romance authors. (If you’re familiar with the Clifton Strengths, Learner and Relator are two of my top five.)

headshot Valerie Pepper romance author

“Signing up for Author Ever After was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my writing career. Danika understands the romance indie publishing industry inside and out. Her insights, gentle guidance and unrelenting focus on holding me accountable not only resulted in a near-doubling of written words from me, but also instilled the confidence that I needed to push toward my debut release.”

~ Valerie Pepper, published community member

Ready to fall in love …

… with yourself as a published romance author?

Who is Author Ever After for?

  • Pre-published romance authors who dream to see their name on a book cover—sooner than later!
  • Aspiring romance writers who’ve got a draft of a story but aren’t sure how to whip it into shape to share with others.
  • Romance writers looking for mentorship and guidance from someone who’s been there, done that.
  • Those who crave a community of like-minded romance enthusiasts to share the highs and lows of the writing journey with people who get it and know what to say to be supportive (and what not to say!) 
  • Romance writers seeking feedback on their work from trusted and experienced romance readers.
  • Dedicated individuals ready to put in the work, learn the ropes, and celebrate every romance writing and publishing milestone with a supportive community.
list of all romance sub-genres from Amazon

Typical first date questions (aka FAQs)

What exactly is Author Ever After?

Author Ever After is a membership community where budding romance writers come together, learn the ropes, and support each other on the journey to becoming published authors.

Wondering if we’re Facebook-based? The answer is, “Oh, Hell, no!” We live on a delightful platform designed to encourage relationship-building and learning. It’s called Circle.

Why should I join Author Ever After instead of other writing communities?

Well, for starters, we’ve got chocolate! Kidding (mostly).

What sets us apart is our focus on romance writing, mentorship from a USA Today bestselling author (hey, that’s me!), and a super supportive community. Although we have courses, we’re not a course—everything we do is as hands-on and interactive as you need it to be to do your best learning.

How can Author Ever After help me become a bestselling romance author?

Ha! That’s a trick question! We can help you get your romance finished, get it into great shape, and help you indie publish it without wasting money or tears. But anyone—ANYONE—who tells you they have the secret to making you a bestseller and guarantees you’ll achieve it—if you work with them—is not telling the whole story.

Surprised? Book a free 30-minute chat with me and I’ll tell you why! 

Do I need to have finished my romance novel to join?

Not at all! That said, you’ll get the most value from being a member if you know what makes a romance a romance and not just a story with some sex scenes in it. (The love relationship is the central storyline and the story ends in a happily ever after—or at least, a happy for now.)

What kind of mentorship and guidance does Danika Bloom offer?

I’m here to share everything I’ve learned on my journey—from the art of storytelling to the ins and outs of publishing. And I promise, no question is too silly!

Also, I’m not a coach who yells at you from the sidelines to put your butt in your chair and do a million finger push-ups on your keyboard. I’m more of a shoulder-to-shoulder mentor, walking beside you to make sure you don’t get lost on your journey to publication.

What time do live events take place?

The schedule as of July 2024 is as follows:

Writing sprints: Every weekday at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET … PLUS random afternoons and weekends

Mastermind: Every Wednesday at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET and again at 4 pm PT/ 7pm ET

Office hours: Alternating Tuesdays at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET

Special guest workshops: Vary, but typically, weekdays before 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET

One-to-one mentorship: On a schedule that works for you, with a preference for weekdays

How often are community events or workshops held?

We’ve got daily Write With Friends writing sprints, weekly brainstorming masterminds, bi-weekly office hours, and special guests at least once a month. Membership is like a never-ending writer’s retreat.

Can I get feedback on my writing within the Author Ever After community?

Yes, and 
 I can’t guarantee you’ll get feedback from the first day you join, but members develop trusting relationships and often provide feedback on each other’s manuscripts. So once you’ve been a member awhile, odds are solid that you’ll find others interested in swapping pages with you.

How does the membership pricing work?

We’ve got a few options to fit different budgets.

The DIY option gets group time with me every week.

The Done With You options gets you one-to-one time and some kick-ass, guaranteed deliverables like your website, a book launch plan designed just for you, your author branding looking sharp, your book over brief perfected and a ton more.

See all the details in the pricing table!

Membership options

To ensure you have an exceptional experience, there is a short application form and process to join the Do It Yourself membership and the Done With You mentoring programs.

The A La Carte option does not require an application. Just book a call!

headshot Fiona Briar romance author

“Danika is amazing to work with! I had so many fears holding me back from publishing that I was sitting on a stack of four unpublished manuscripts by the time I joined Passion Project to Published. I knew I would have to create a website, start a mailing list linked to my website, establish a presence on social media
and I didn’t even know a thing about branding! All this on top of worrying about editing, formatting, cover design, how to upload the final product, and designing a successful launch. Any one of these pieces is intimidating. All together, they had stopped me in my tracks. Then I booked a free consultation with Danika, and the clouds began to clear.

I must admit, I went into it a little jaded because I have wasted money on snake oil programs, webinars, and courses in the past. However, in that one-hour consultation, Danika gave me so much useful information that I was confident it would be a smart investment to join her program. You can see when you talk to her that she is genuinely excited to see every author grow from whatever point they are at. She definitely makes a habit of over-delivering!

By the end of the program, I had articulated my author identity and values; created a visual brand with a palette, fonts, etc.; set up my social media accounts, website, and mailing list; and developed an awesome brief to communicate with a cover designer. Danika was there the whole time to offer advice, answer questions, and troubleshoot tech issues. She made all the BIG, SCARY STUFF fun and easy. The bonus I never expected was making friends with other romance authors in her Author Ever After community. Their friendly support gave me the extra lift I needed to move forward with confidence as a professional romance writer.

Thank you, Danika! You are the best!❀”

~ Fiona Briar, one-to-one mentorship & community member

headshot Tami Winbush romance author

“Danika Bloom has her finger on the pulse of all things Romance Writing. Her Author Ever After community not only provides great info, but an uplifting space to connect with other writers.”

~ Dr. J. | Donna Jennings, Ph.D., published community member