
Submit directly to romance publishers—no agent required!

77 romance publishers that accept manuscripts directly from authors. Download the spreadsheet to keep it current for yourself. Last update Sept 2023.

June Writers’ Events to Check Out

If you’re looking for some good learning opportunities this month, you have a ton of great options.

Choosing the best community platform for coaches

Choosing the right community platform is crucial for coaches looking to foster engagement and support among their members. This comprehensive comparison of Circle, Teachable, and Mighty Networks highlights their strengths and weaknesses, with Circle emerging as the top choice for its superior community-building tools and seamless integration features. Discover how these platforms can enhance your coaching business and why Circle stands out as the best option for creating a vibrant, interactive community.

AI and Romance Writing

While AI has made significant advancements in many areas, romance writing is a craft that will always require the human touch. From the sparks of chemistry to the messy imperfections of love, the quirks of human nature, the individual voice of authors, the timing of emotional impact, and the intangible magic of love, there are aspects of romance writing that can’t be replicated by AI.

Stop calling it a “shitty first draft”

Your first draft is NOT shitty, so stop thinking of it that way! Here’s a list of over 200 better adjectives to help ou give your first draft a nickname you can feel good about.

Why it’s important to articulate your ‘why’

Understanding your ‘why’ is pivotal in the writing journey. When writing feels like a chore, your ‘why’ refocuses you. Dive into the importance of pinpointing your motivation behind your romance novel and silence the doubting voice. Discover the power of purpose with Danika’s guided exercise.

Why it’s important to articulate your ‘why’

Why it’s important to articulate your ‘why’

Understanding your ‘why’ is pivotal in the writing journey. When writing feels like a chore, your ‘why’ refocuses you. Dive into the importance of pinpointing your motivation behind your romance novel and silence the doubting voice. Discover the power of purpose with Danika’s guided exercise.

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How to set an achievable writing priority

How to set an achievable writing priority

Juggling multiple romance story ideas? Gain clarity and focus on your personal ‘happily ever after’ tale. Overwhelm isn’t about lack of motivation, but often a lack of clarity. Dive into a challenge designed to prioritize your writing projects and find your narrative’s true calling. Commit to your story’s journey and discover your own writing bliss.

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